Board Name | Board Description | Vacancies |
Arts Council of Alachua County | Serve as a resource for local artists and arts agencies, including all municipalities, throughout Alachua County. Prepare applications for state and federal grants and re-grant eligible grants to loca... | |
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee | Affordable Housing Advisory Committees are mandated by the State of Florida for all cities and counties receiving State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) funds. The Alachua County Affordable Hous... | |
Alachua County Housing Authority Board | The Housing Authority Board is charged with maintaining the policy and fiduciary responsibilities pertaining to the Alachua County Housing Authority. The Alachua County Housing Authority is an indepen... | |
Animal Welfare Advisory Committee | Assist the County in promoting the adoption of shelter pets, the welfare of animals,and the importance of the human-animal bond. Assist the County in promoting positive and greater community awa... | |
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) to the MTPO | Study and make recommendations on all matters concerning the planning, implementation and maintenance of policies, programs and facilities for the safe and efficient integration of bicycle and pedestr... | |
Citizen Climate Advisory Committee | The CCAC provides an opportunity for citizen involvement in climate change issues and concerns affecting Alachua County, City of Gainesville, and the surrounding municipalities. The committee will adv... | |
Citizens Disability Advisory Committee | The Citizens Disability Advisory Committee is responsible for evaluating and providing assistance in implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act ... | |
Criminal Justice, Mental Health & Substance Abuse Grant Planning Committee | This advisory board, in coordination with the County Office of Management and Budget and the County Court Services Department, makes a formal recommendation to the County regarding how the Criminal Ju... | |
Early Learning Coalition | The Early Learning Coalition of Alachua County serves approximately 4000 children aged birth to five through supporting Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) and School Readiness programs in Alachua County... | |
Economic Development Advisory Committee | The Economic Development Advisory Committee advises the County Commission on issues related to economic development. Members serve four year terms. Brief History of Committee: The reconstitution of th... | |
Environmental Protection Advisory Committee | EPAC provides an opportunity for citizen involvement on environmental issues and concerns affecting residents of Alachua County. It advises the BoCC on appropriate measures to safeguard air and water ... | |
Equity Advisory Board | The Equity Advisory Board (EAB) assists the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners to: 1. establish an annual work program for the Equity Advisory Board2. assist and advise the Count... | |
Health Care Advisory Board | Advise the Board of County Commissioners on the health care and medical needs of low-income residents by identifying gaps in services currently available, providing expertise in designing progra... | |
Health Facilities Authority | Florida Statute authorizes the creation of a health facility authority in each county of Florida for the purpose of assisting health facilities in the acquisition, construction, financing and refinanc... | |
Historical Commission | Alachua County Historical Commission (ACHC) provides leadership in identifying, preserving, and interpreting the County's history and historic sites. The Historical Commission is advisory to BoCC on m... | |
Housing Finance Authority | The Housing Finance Authority is authorized under Chapter 159, Florida Statutes and County Codes Chapter 32, to issue tax exempt revenue bonds to finance qualified affordable housing projects in Alach... | |
Human Rights Board | The Human Rights Board makes recommendations to the Equal Opportunity Manager for the enforcement of the Alachua County Human Rights Ordinance. Membership is comprised of seven members and one alterna... | |
Infrastructure Surtax Citizen Oversight Board | 1. Assure citizens and elected officials that all Surtax Revenues, including those expended by the County and each municipality, are expended only for the purposes authorized by Ordinance... | |
Land Conservation Board | Purpose of this Advisory Board: (1) Recommend environmentally significant properties to the Board of County Commissioners for inclusion on the Alachua County Forever Acquisition List; (2) Advise Count... | |
Library District Board of Trustees | The Board of Trustees includes three Alachua County representatives, three City of Gainesville representatives and one League of Cities representative. Members are citizen volunteers appointed by the ... | |
Local Planning Agency and Planning Commission | The Local Planning Agency and Planning Commission is responsible for preparation of the comprehensive plan; reviewing and making recommendations on re-zonings, special use permits, temporary use permi... | |
Recreation and Open Space Advisory Committee | The Recreation and Open Space Advisory Committee establishes an annual work program; engages in an annual review of the Capital Improvements Projects List pertaining to recreation projects and the Rec... | |
Regional Transit System Advisory Board | This Advisory Board is comprised of nine members, serving three year terms, with three county appointments in the category of: one citizen with a disability; one neighborhood/homeowners Association; o... | |
Rural Concerns Advisory Committee | Provides guidance and advice to the Board of County Commissioners regarding rural concerns and issues within Alachua County. The responsibilities of the Committee are to establish the importance of ou... | |
School Planning Advisory Committee (SPAC) | The Alachua County Commission is looking for applicants interested in serving as community members on the School Planning Advisory Committee (“SPAC”). The SPAC is established by the Alachu... | |
Tourist Development Council | Makes recommendations for the use of the Tourist Development Tax Revenue and performs other duties to promote Tourism. Contact: 352-374-5260. | |
Utility Advisory Board | The Utility Advisory Board is hereby created as an advisory board to advise and make recommendations to the City Commission regarding all matters of utility governance of the city's electric, gas, tel... | |
Value Adjustment Board | The Value Adjustment Board (the "VAB") is an independent governmental agency created by Chapter 194, of the Florida Statutes, to accept and process taxpayers' petitions contesting the value of real es... | |
Veteran Services Advisory Board | Make recommendations to the Bocc regarding the Veteran Community in Alachua County, Assist and advise on future policies and directions concerning Veterans. | |
Victim Services and Rape Crisis Center Advisory Council | The Advisory Council provides an opportunity for citizen involvement on ways to improve services for crime victims and raise awareness about abuse and crime as to positively impact the community. ... | |
Dual County Workforce Development Council | Directs strategic and operational oversight of CareerSource North Central Florida to help develop a comprehensive and high-quality workforce delivery system. | |
North Central Florida Workforce Development Board | Provides policy and oversight over CareerSource North Central Florida and one-stop system to deliver customer-focused, value-added workforce solutions designed to meet the specific needs of employers ... | |
CSNCFL - Finance Committee | Provides oversight of the fiscal affairs of CareerSource North Central Florida to ensure fiscal integrity and accountability of all funds. | |
CSNCFL - One-Stop Committee | Reviews and recommends services and programs being delivered to employers and job seekers for CareerSource North Central Florida. | |
CSNCFL - Youth Committee | Reviews and recommends youth services and programs for CareerSource North Central Florida. | |
CSNCFL - Executive Committee | Review matters coming before the Board and make recommendations to full Board for CareerSource North Central Florida. | |
Gainesville-Alachua County Airport Authority | The Gainesville-Alachua County Airport Authority is an Independent Special District responsible for the operation and maintenance of the airport. (The property is owned by the City of Gainesvil... | |
Development Review Committee | The Alachua County Development Review Committee was established bythe Alachua County Board of County Commissioners through the adoption of the Section 401.12of the Unified Land Development Code for re... | |
Public Safety Coordinating Council | Section 951.26, Florida Statutes requires the establishment of county public safety coordinating councils. The Council shall meet at the call of the chair for the purpose of assessing the popula... | |
Joint North Central FL Wkforce Dev Bd and Dual County Wkforce Dev Council | Joint Meetings of the North Central Florida Workforce Development Board and the Dual County Workforce Development Council | |
Justice Mental Health Collaborative Program Subcommittee of the Public Safety Coordinating Council | ||
MTPO Board of Directors | The Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) for the Gainesville and Alachua Area is responsible for carrying out the region's metropolitan transportation planning program in collabora... | |
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to the MTPO | The Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) for the Gainesville and Alachua Area is responsible for carrying out the region's metropolitan transportation planning program in collabora... | |
Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) to the MTPO | The Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) for the Gainesville and Alachua Area is responsible for carrying out the region's metropolitan transportation planning program in collabora... | |
WellFlorida Council | WellFlorida Council carries out regional health planning, conducts public hearings, promotes public health needs and awareness and carries out any other such functions as may be necessary in our servi... | |
Agricultural Land Conservation Board | Alachua County Land Conservation Board (ALCB), is a citizen board composed of nine volunteers who shall serve staggered four-year terms. The ALCB provides for citizen input in the protection of agricu... |